Greetings from Aroxx

Thoughts and prayers don’t pay insurance premiums. Skip a strap, help a brother out.
Thoughts and prayers don’t pay insurance premiums. Skip a strap, help a brother out.
I'm going to echo James' post. At present, OF has more than 83,000 members worldwide. If just 2% of our members contributed $15 each to the cause, we would achieve our goal of 25k to help Alex. This guy is one of our own and is in a serious situation which is not of his own making. Again, we're grateful for anything that you would like to contribute. Thank you.
I'm going to echo James' post. At present, OF has more than 83,000 members worldwide. If just 2% of our members contributed $15 each to the cause, we would achieve our goal of 25k to help Alex. This guy is one of our own and is in a serious situation which is not of his own making. Again, we're grateful for anything that you would like to contribute. Thank you.
Glad to help.

Kind regards Yong
So here’s the latest update from Alex’s mother, Martha:

Hi Greg.

Alex started his outpatient rehab this week. He has physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy - one hour each, three days a week. He has gained movement in his right arm, but it hasn’t reached to his hand yet. He can lift his upper arm and bend from the elbow to move his arm. It’s progress and we are hopeful for more. He is determined to do as much on his own as he can and we let him and encourage it! The most assistance he needs is going up and down stairs. He walks with a quad cane around the house but if we go out he uses the wheelchair.

Alex's aphasia is still a challenge. One thing to understand is that aphasia is a language and communications disorder, and it does NOT affect intellect. A person's "ideas, thoughts, and knowledge are still in their head -- it is just communicating those ideas, thoughts, and knowledge that is interrupted”. His speech is getting a little better and we are starting to understand him better. If we don’t understand we say so and keep trying. Once we understand what he is trying to say we have him repeat it. I’m sure the speech therapist will have more effective methods but we do what we can to move speech along.

Overall, he is doing pretty well and the intensive therapy schedule should bring steady improvements. Thank the others in the group for their concern.


Once again, I want to emphasize the seriousness of Alex’s situation. He was 37 - 37!!! - when the stroke happened on July 22nd. If it happened to him at that age, it could happen to any of us. Here we are seven weeks out from when the stroke occurred and you can discern from Martha's update just how far Alex has yet to go. He has two boys, ages 5 and 7, who depend on him. It will be quite some time before he can return to work. In the meantime, he needs our help. As my fellow OF member and friend JwRosenthal so matter of factly put it: hopes and prayers don’t pay the bills. Thanks again to those who have contributed to Alex’s GoFundMe campaign. For those who haven’t, please consider doing so. Every contribution helps. The GFM link is at the top of the thread. Thank you.
I added to the pot with the hopes of helping Alex. In January and February of this year I almost met Elvis. Had four unexpected surgeries in three weeks I had been invaded by a treatment resistant bacteria. Got to the point where they told my wife prepare for the worst.

Anyway I was told I’d be leaving the hospital on a walker and require oxygen. The day before I left I no longer met that criteria and walked out on my own. They couldn’t give me an estimate on return to work. I just waited a couple weeks till the pain became tolerable and went back (still dealing with the pain a bit) Anyway I bring this up as sometimes these medical prognosis are pessimistic. I’m certainly not making light of Alex situation just hoping he has an unexpected quick recovery like myself. There was no medical explanation why the bacteria in me died off. The two surgeons who worked on me had never seen such a case in the combined 60 years plus history of cutting people up they had between them.

So don’t discount thoughts and prayers. Regardless it’s scary stuff and taxing on the whole family and they never happen at convenient times (I was in the middle of moving my wife got stuck dealing with everything) I do hope in a relatively short period of time you overcome this medical tragedy or learn how to compensate for the little bits and pieces that may not return 100%.

I don’t wish such things on anybody but no one asks us if we are ready for them.

Be strong
Heal quick
Gods speed
I added to the pot with the hopes of helping Alex. In January and February of this year I almost met Elvis. Had four unexpected surgeries in three weeks I had been invaded by a treatment resistant bacteria. Got to the point where they told my wife prepare for the worst.

Anyway I was told I’d be leaving the hospital on a walker and require oxygen. The day before I left I no longer met that criteria and walked out on my own. They couldn’t give me an estimate on return to work. I just waited a couple weeks till the pain became tolerable and went back (still dealing with the pain a bit) Anyway I bring this up as sometimes these medical prognosis are pessimistic. I’m certainly not making light of Alex situation just hoping he has an unexpected quick recovery like myself. There was no medical explanation why the bacteria in me died off. The two surgeons who worked on me had never seen such a case in the combined 60 years plus history of cutting people up they had between them.

So don’t discount thoughts and prayers. Regardless it’s scary stuff and taxing on the whole family and they never happen at convenient times (I was in the middle of moving my wife got stuck dealing with everything) I do hope in a relatively short period of time you overcome this medical tragedy or learn how to compensate for the little bits and pieces that may not return 100%.

I don’t wish such things on anybody but no one asks us if we are ready for them.

Be strong
Heal quick
Gods speed
Thank you for both your contribution and your kind thoughts and encouragement. If James and I gave the impression that we think that "thoughts and prayers" are of no positive benefit, that certainly isn't what we meant to convey. Indeed, study after study has shown the importance of being socially connected and supported by others as a factor in a patient's recovery. All we meant and, regrettably, it's true, is that hopes and prayers don't seem to produce legal tender. And that stuff really does help to pay the bills. :) Again, thanks for your support and keep those GFM contributions coming folks. The fund for Alex is growing slowly, but it IS growing.
Thank you for both your contribution and your kind thoughts and encouragement. If James and I gave the impression that we think that "thoughts and prayers" are of no positive benefit, that certainly isn't what we meant to convey. Indeed, study after study has shown the importance of being socially connected and supported by others as a factor in a patient's recovery. All we meant and, regrettably, it's true, is that hopes and prayers don't seem to produce legal tender. And that stuff really does help to pay the bills. :) Again, thanks for your support and keep those GFM contributions coming folks. The fund for Alex is growing slowly, but it IS growing.
No I didn’t take it that way and I realize especially these days many chose not to practice any faith. I just remember the doctor coming in Monday morning with an amazed but happy look saying the bacteria died all they could find was yeast. She couldn’t not understand it. I told her I found a healing prayer and asked for intercession she said she had no problem calling it a miracle.
I was lucky it didn’t screw me financially but believe me at work I am seeing more cases of people becoming homeless due to medical issues. Just did an assessment Thursday on a guy who is dealing with just that. There are usually other factors in play but regardless when people need help and you are able to assist with some greenbacks it can help ease the stress of at least part of the equation. My illness was not a stroke. They scare the hec out of me.
My illness was not a stroke. They scare the heck out of me.
As well they should. Me too. As I tried to emphasize in the GFM "story" and in subsequent posts here, Alex was living alone when the stroke occurred and he was found 30 hours later. Imagine that if you can. That 30 hours without treatment did a lot of damage. If it weren't for his family, Alex would be in a very different situation right now and the situation that he IS in is bad enough.
As well they should. Me too. As I tried to emphasize in the GFM "story" and in subsequent posts here, Alex was living alone when the stroke occurred and he was found 30 hours later. Imagine that if you can. That 30 hours without treatment did a lot of damage. If it weren't for his family, Alex would be in a very different situation right now and the situation that he IS in is bad enough.
Ya, I read that. I know the quicker you get treatment the better your recovery is. I’m glad you guys put together a go fund me. I did one for a client a I was working with so she would not lose her only belongings. A few people here helped out I will always be grateful for that. I hate to think of Alex stuck in that situation for 30 hrs being helpless. I was on a ventilator for 3-4 days completely helpless but I was at least receiving care. Being helpless and aware is just a horrible spot to be in.
I'm going to echo James' post. At present, OF has more than 83,000 members worldwide. If just 2% of our members contributed $15 each to the cause, we would achieve our goal of 25k to help Alex. This guy is one of our own and is in a serious situation which is not of his own making. Again, we're grateful for anything that you would like to contribute. Thank you.
Well said👍
Hey Alex, get well soon! Keep up the good work and you’ll be up and running in no time;)
A shout out to everyone who is helping you cope in this stage👍
Several more contributions received from members today. We are approaching $2,400 in the fund. Still a long way to go, but it's encouraging! THANKS to all who have contributed so far. It is VERY MUCH appreciated.
Hi Alex,

I don’t think we have been acquainted but I recognise your avatar from over the years. So sorry to read what happened and would like to wish you heartfelt good wishes and healing vibes and very much look forward to hearing of your speedy recovery.

Thanks too to Martha for sharing during what must be a challenging time for the family.

To better days!

Something like this turns life as you know it upside down. Anything to help make it a little easier by alleviating some stress during rehab is always welcome. Even though don't know Alex personally, know the struggles of having something like this happen and how much time and effort it takes plus the toll it takes on the caretakers.

Watches are a hobby I'm fortunate enough to be able to dabble in. Without your health, it makes it tough to enjoy it.
Today has been a good day for contributions to Alex's GoFundMe campaign and I again want to thank those of you who donated. I know that Alex and his family sincerely appreciate the support and the words of encouragement that so many of you have added to this thread. For those of you who want to contribute but aren't familiar with the way that GoFundMe works, here's some adviice that I offered earlier:

After you contribute on the GFM website, and before you “check out,” GFM rather shamelessly adds a 15% “tip” for themselves. Given that GFM already takes a percentage of donations as the fee for the use of its platform, the “tip” is both unnecessary and - in my view - offensive. So feel free to adjust the “tip” to $0 when you donate. That’s what I do.
JwRosenthal and I both know Alex through the Mid-Atlantic G2G. Alex is a great guy and we have organized a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to help Alex recover and reestablish his independence. Please contribute if you are so inclined, feel free to forward the link to others, and thank you! Thanks also to dsio, OF’s other mods and the owners of OF for their support in allowing us to do this for Alex. I’m proud to be part of this community.
Here’s the GoFundMe link:
Thanks for setting this up Greg. Hopefully we can all pull together and help out Alex here with his difficult situation. Thanks to the mods and everyone that has donated. You’re in our thoughts Alex.
Thanks for setting this up Greg. Hopefully we can all pull together and help out Alex here with his difficult situation. Thanks to the mods and everyone that has donated. You’re in our thoughts Alex.
Thanks, I'm happy to help. Alex is a good guy and I'd certainly appreciate the help if this happened to me. Contributions have been trickling in. It's slow, but steady, and hopefully things will pick up.
Thoughts and prayers don’t pay insurance premiums. Skip a strap, help a brother out.