Zenith Novice Seeks Guidance

Hello All,

I'm new to this sub-forum and have arrived seeking relief from some weird symptoms...

I have recently been experiencing an overwhelming and irrational desire for a vintage Zenith Chronometer. I seem to have been infected after indulging in risky, promiscuous unsafe browsing (looking at some of the beautiful vintage photos from collectors here)! I'm told my condition is incurable and the only way to ease my symptoms is to acquire an example of my very own...

Can someone who has been living with this condition longer than I have, please recommend a reference and caliber to help me begin my search? And perhaps recommend a respected Zenith dealer I should contact?

I'm seeking something "interesting and collectable" that will fit into my collection of mostly Rolex sport pieces. I value a date function; 36-40mm is my preferred size and I have a budget of around US$3.5K.

I've encountered some ridiculously beautiful pieces on Ebay such as the one below but at this stage in my learnings, I wouldn't know how to spot a franken or fake. I have the desire and means but not yet the courage... I would like to narrow down my search to a particular reference (or two) and then connect with a reputable seller. Is anyone here able to help guide me? Or am I asking or expecting too much?



Hi Colin,

@WatchVaultNYC gave you a good hint to start with!

I went myself pretty recently into Zenith chronographs so I will not be able to give you green or red light.

However 3.5k seems to be a reasonnable budget to aquire a pre-primero chrono...

The one in picture above seems to be a bad redial but surely you can find better options!

@MMMD and @LouS will have a better knowledge to share with you!

Zenith virus is the best ;)
I have to admit to being overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of the Zenith product lines. Even if I limit it down to chronos from say pre-1970, the options seem endless. I very much like the design aesthetic of the earlier pre-EP lines (1950's) with dauphine (?) hands and vintage fonts but spotting a redial can be very challenging. I have nothing against "high quality" and age-sensitive redials for pieces of this age. I'm not a big fan of the really dirty fossilized dials that are absolutely untouched. I suspect the price of minty original dials will be sky high!