Zenith Chronometre 40-t

Hello forum members,

I have been reading this wonderful forum for some time and finally decided to take the plunge and join today.

I've been looking for a nice Zenith watch for some time and came across this watch on eBay. I was hoping some of the more knowledgable forumers would be able to help advise on this.

To me it looks good, and the dial doesn't appear to be repainted.

If anyone has a better opinion on this and a rough price expected I would be very grateful.

Many thanks in advance
No one has any opinions on this watch? Usually that means it must be okay because people are quick to jump in if its bad
The dial looks awfully perfect, and I haven't seen "ZENITH CHRONOMETRE" laid out quite like that in terms of position and spacing. I am also reading between the lines of the item description. Danger words: stunning, incredibly rare, near perfect, near mint. You'll notice the seller describes the case and hands using the word "original," but that word doesn't appear in the description of the dial.
You're doing the right thing asking here, but due diligence should also involve googling the heck out of "Zenith Cal 40 chronometre" and finding other dials with identical fonts, layout, spacing. I don't think they're out there.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I have spent a long time searching, the trouble is I'm not all that sure what to search as these Zeniths don't seem to have a reference number?

I've searched very deep regarding 40-t Chronometre, but there doesn't seem to be all that much. There are a few results for the non Chronometre and the dial fonts and spacing do appear to be correct. If this is a redial, it's surely an incredibly good one? Normally there are clear tells, but from my research and limited knowledge of Zenith, the fonts all seem correct for the period and style.

The seller does seem to embellish it a fair amount, but it appears to be backed up in the photographs? From my research, It appears to me they are quite rare and hard to find!

I'll keep watching the auction as it does seem incredibly cheap at the moment.

Any other opinions or information regarding originality and quality of this piece would be greatly appreciated.
The price is not very high, but gold-filled/gold-plated cases mean a deep discount relative to stainless and solid gold cases.
I'd go with MMMD's initial thoughts.

Here is a photo (not very good - I'll grant) of an original dial on the same watch.

There is one BIG difference between the dial on the watch in the OP when compared with the eBay dial and my example.
40T GP.jpg
I'm not seeing any major difference at all my self. This is why the opinion and experience of you guys is so important to this community.

Please educate me as to what I'm missing...
I'm not trying to be clever but you have to train your eye to notice things - some subtle and some not so.

Look at the three dials and compare the differences. Post what you see in this thread. It is easy to point these out to someone, but you need to learn how to spot the warning signs. I'm sorry if this seems harsh but there won't always be someone there to hold your hand. As I said, there is one BIG difference.
I'm seeing the same font for Zenith and Chronometre, same cross hair on the sub seconds dial (both touch the 6 o'clock marker) , same hour markers, same font and spacing on Swiss Made at the bottom (although somewhat distorted by the shape of the glass) and star position.

I try and look at every detail, but I'm certainly not seeing anything obvious, unless I've made a glaring error? I'd love to tap into your expertise if you would be willing to share.

Many thanks for all the help
Hi. This is my 40t chronometer.
Linen dial so the print might look slightly different.
Also a catalog page someone very kindly provided me with some time back. Good luck!
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
The first picture is the one that worries me. There is no sign of the SWISS MADE and the minute markers look irregular in length. In all of the other photos there is some evidence of the marking, but not in this first one. The tension ring for the crystal is non original and that's why it partially covers the SWISS MADE in the later photos. The alarm bells ring because of the lack of consistency in the photos.

The marks on the 4 and 5 o'clock markers appear in the first photo and not in the others and the ding in the bezel at 27 minutes does not show in the first photo but does in the others.
That linen dial is stunning! Congratulations on owning that.

The first photo appears to be taken in a different place/lighting conditions and from a lower down angle, there appears to be an odd glare (especially around the 6 + 7 markers) and refraction which to me explains the minute markers looking unusual lengths. The first photo does show the sunburst dial better than the rest of the photos and maybe that's what the seller was aiming for?

Certainly the tension ring in the crystal is playing some tricks with reflections too because in the photos where the watch is on the cushion, you can clearly see (photo 4) that the minute markers are even in length, but on the right hand side you can see the reflection of the markers in the gold tension ring, which I assume is giving the odd appearance in some photos at different angles. I guess the angles of photographs are good and bad with watches, certain things show up in some places, but are hidden from a slightly different angle.

The crystal needs changing to one without a tension ring, I think that would probably clear a lot up. I'm feeling that this probably is an original dial because there are just so many things that match with the other originals that have turned up in this thread?

My gut feeling on this one is good, unless you feel anything I've said is incorrect and I'm still missing something? I think everything can be justified when looking a little deeper. I'm going to keep watching it and see what comes tomorrow. I'm expecting a final price around £450/-£500, is that what you would expect?

Many thanks again, your help and insight is very much appreciated. I enjoy these discussions but have only been a spectator in the past. Part of the thrill of the hunt for me is working out what is correct and what is wrong.