Incoming....A Mumbai Special.

Normally, this is not a good thing. For those that haven't read the "How Many Phrases Have We Coined" thread, a Mumbai Special is generally a watch put together from pieces of several watches in an horological chop shop in India. Some have ridiculous looking dials as well.

But for every rule, there is an exception and this exception is of the Zenith persuasion:

The co-branded dial with Favre Leuba & Co. means that it was almost certainly originally sold in India. I have send an e-mail to Zenith through their website to confirm this, don't know if I will hear back from them. There is plenty of information on the internet (including here) that points in that direction.


Here is the fairly clean movement that is keeping decent time right now:

Not sure of the exact caliber, as there are no markings present. The diameter is in the 26-27mm range as the overall width of the watch is about 30mm. I think this watch was made in 1929 based on the serial number. Case is Swiss and sterling silver:

Next purchase will likely be an IW Bund strap with a 12mm catch. The band that it is on isn't going to cut it long term.

Now, can I join the club?
Great looking watch , this movement was known as zenith 'A' type movement and came in many zenith models of that era . Favre leuba - zenith is an established combination will post a few pics in a day or so.