Help with an a3736

Hi All,

Thanks for looking.

My newly acquired a3736 was sent to the Watchmaker to address the internal bezel rattling and for a service. The watchmaker is having difficulty removing the crystal and we're both reluctant to try more agressive methods unless we know a replacement can be secured in the event the existing one is damaged when trying to get it off.

Anyway, the watchmaker has a Zenith parts provider, but the case number he gave to his provider wasn't recognized in the parts database. Does anyone know or have a strong hunch whether this is likely due to the parts database being modern, i.e. excludes vintage, or if there's no match because Zenith no longer has parts for this reference?

If Zenith doesn't turn out to be an option, any suggestions other than surfing the bay or posting a wtb on various forums (already on the prowl for a sub-register hand and crown)? Perhaps a custom crystal provider or other suggestions to remove the crystal or address the rattle without removing the crystal?

Thanks again for your time. Looking forward to wearing this beauty without the some point (hopefully) in the near future.

My suggestion and the best possible option is this - don't risk damaging this watch. Simply sell your watch to me, mitigate your risk. I'm here to help relieve this stress.
Thanks for looking (and responding)!

Talked to the Watchmaker today and got some additional details. He believes a reflector ring is missing from the watch (based on some internet research) and that this ring belongs b/w the bezel and crystal. He also mentioned that the case number, 221D216, was likely not recognized due to the letter being amidst the numbers (something he, nor his parts provider has seen before).

I sent an email to Abel Court regarding the watch hoping for some advice. Will update the post with any new progress.
He also mentioned that the case number, 221D216, was likely not recognized due to the letter being amidst the numbers (something he, nor his parts provider has seen before).

221D216 is not the case number, it's the serial number for that specific watch. It was the system used by Zenith until the early 70s when they switched to standard model numbers that applied to every watch in a particular line.
Veritas99 - thank you, Sir for that helpful information.

Latest update on the case: Resourceful watchmaker was able to secure a case number from the Movado version of the a3736 (206-705-502 for those curious types) and has sent this number to his parts provider. No word yet but fingers crossed.

Latest update on the bezel reflector ring: Abel Court was kind enough to respond to my inquiry. To paraphrase his response, the issue of play in the bezel is common to a certain extent, that no spacer or reflector ring is used and that the issue is likely caused by the fitment of a service vs. an original plexi. Also, a very kind member here who has seen the guts of his own a3736 confirmed the presence of a spacer/reflector ring. Confusion has now officially set in.

The saga continues...thanks for tuning in!

This one's for you, Zuke!

Latest update:

Watchmaker's Zenith Parts contact was not able to find the case number. I believe there are two possible reasons: 1) the case number is correct and parts unavailable or 2) case number is incorrect. Working to find the correct case number...if anyone happens to know the case number for this reference, I would sincerely appreciate a PM or post here with that number.

Also, the kind member who remembered the reflector ring when viewing the guts of their a3736 actually misremembered seeing the reflector ring and clarified that there was no reflector ring in their super sub sea.

Lastly, that same kind member above made an observation about the possibility of the bezel on my watch being a bit too big and thus interfering with fit. I've always thought it looked ~1-2 MM wider than other examples (which didn't bother me in the least), but I went ahead and picked up another bezel which appears to be smaller from an ebay auction. What are the chances of that actually happening? Anyway, the bezel will be here in another 10 days or so at which point perhaps I'll have some further idea about the case and crystal and some of the other mysteries of life. Thanks for tuning in...
Latest Update:

Life got in the way for awhile...and then long story short, watchmaker was ultimately able to remove the crystal, adjust the crystal tension ring to reduce the gap b/w the crystal and bezel (thanks, Blake!) address the rattle and service the watch!
Whilst all this was happening (or in between stages of happening) I received the new (to me) bezel mentioned in the previous post. Fast forward to today and watchmaker has fitted the new bezel. The new bezel isn't in as good of condition, but there's no doubt the old one was a bit large and covered more of the hour markers.

Anyway, would love to receive your feedback on whether the new bezel should stay on or if the old (larger) one should be put back on. Thanks for looking!
Thanks to all for your replies and for the welcome to the family! Though I was originally leaning towards re-installing the larger bezel (based on it being in better condition), I decided to keep the smaller one om as I like the additional exposure of the dial and hour markers that it affords. Once the watch is back in my possession on Monday, I'll be sure to update the post with some pictures.
Forgot to post a picture since she made it back home. Included one more shot with her sexy cousin.

2016-03-17 13.51.37.jpg 2016-03-17 13.56.21 - Copy.jpg
The other watches in the thread have the gap between the bezel and markers. Looks great!