Contact info for Service/Parts manager at LVMH/Zenith in NJ?

Looking for a NOS or service dial for a Zenith diver ref. 3635 in gray. Any leads?

I've called LVMH and the Springfield, NJ service number and have gotten the run around from the folks answering the phones. I simply need to talk to the service or parts manager to get him to lookup in the Zenith intranet and/or from Zenith Switzerland whether service parts are available for this reference. The phone screening monkeys insist that the watch must be sent to NJ in order to conduct the parts research. If parts aren't available, I'd obviously rather skip the whole mailing routine.

Anyone have a direct number or email address?
I think you'll need an in, not just a phone number, if the part you're looking for even exists at the mother ship. You might try contacting a watch dealer in Europe, preferably Switzerland, and explaining your situation, i.e. "I would be willing to pay χ for this particular piece, if you can get it."
I have heard tell of dealers in Switzerland getting hold of replacement hands for an A386 within a couple of days though their factory connection. This dial might be a bit more elusive, however.
I think you'll need an in, not just a phone number, if the part you're looking for even exists at the mother ship. You might try contacting a watch dealer in Europe, preferably Switzerland, and explaining your situation, i.e. "I would be willing to pay χ for this particular piece, if you can get it."
I have heard tell of dealers in Switzerland getting hold of replacement hands for an A386 within a couple of days though their factory connection. This dial might be a bit more elusive, however.

I'm happy (begrudgingly) to pay for a Zenith "restoration" in order to get proper parts... it's just the fact that the phone ladies refused to put me in touch with the parts manager. I've got at least as much--if not more--information about the watch than he does, so I see no reason to ship it to New Jersey to get them to search their intranet.

Another OF member has PM'd me about a contact in the UK. So far, no response.

* This is for a second A3635, btw. Not the one previously pictured in the forums :whistling: Sometimes good luck comes in pairs.

Here's to good luck coming in triplets.
Update #1: The LVMH contact in Europe has replied! The plot advances. Parts availability is being checked with the mother ship.